
Philip Aleon




  English, Persian


  UC Davis

About me 👤

C programmer with 10 years of experience

I have studied C for the longest time. I have also used it in almost all of my projects, be it a huge collaborative project with a big company or a personal side hustle. This means I have a wide understanding of how to use C to its fullest.

Syllabus 📖

    Module 1: Introduction to C Programming and Environment Setup

  • Course Introduction and Objectives
  • Overview of the C programming language
  • Setting up a C development environment (compiler, IDE, and text editor)
  • Writing and running your first C program
  • Module 2: Basic Syntax and Data Types

  • C syntax and structure
  • Variables and data types (int, float, char)
  • Constants and literals
  • Input and output operations (printf and scanf)
  • Module 3: Control Structures

  • Decision-making with if, if-else, and nested if statements
  • Looping structures: while, do-while, and for loops
  • Switch case statements
  • Break and continue statements
  • Module 4: Pointers

  • Pointer declaration and initialization
  • Pointer and arrays